Architectural details and everything that has to do with Villa Cà Amata and its annexes. A journey in the many stories that fill this magical place.

Ca Amata Orlando

The end of Winter is Near …

We wanted to thank a dear friend of Ca ‘Amata who allowed us to use his AMAZING emotional video of the surroundings of the Villa and of the homonymous “Golf Club” (Golf Club Ca’ Amata) which takes its name.  Nature a step away from the City. It is always hard to believe how a place
Villa Cà Amata Front

Villa Cà Amata

Located in Castelfranco Veneto, along the ancient Roman road, Postumia, between the provinces of Treviso, Padua, Vicenza and Venice. It was Count Giovanni Rizzetti, a prominent intellectual of “Schola Riccatiana”, who designed and built Cà Amata, following the architectural canons of the proportional harmonic average, which he identified. History and Tradition A place rich in
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Cà Amata Harmonic Mean
It was Count Giovanni Rizzetti who designed and built Villa Ca ’Amata, along the ancient Roman road Postumia, following the architectural canons of the proportional harmonic average he theorized, determining the height according to the width and length. Villa Ca ’Amata, in all its parts, is built with measures derived from the golden section, the
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Castelfranco Veneto External Wall

What to see in Castelfranco Veneto

The city of Castelfranco Veneto is located exactly between the provinces of Treviso, Padua and Vicenza. It owes its fortune to its strategic position: its square-shaped defensive walls, still symbol of the city, were erected between 1195 and 1199 on the border between the three medieval towns. One hundred families of free men were sent